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Utsav J1Java developer
No reviews yet
80% of students will decide if they want to hire you just based on what you write here. Make sure it's good, relevant, in detail, and without mistakes. Do not copy-paste your resume here. Do not share any contact details.
80% of students will decide if they want to hire you just based on what you write here. Make sure it's good, relevant, in detail, and without mistakes. Do not copy-paste your resume here. Do not share any contact details.
80% of students will decide if they want to hire you just based on what you write here. Make sure it's good, relevant, in detail, and without mistakes. Do not copy-paste your resume here. Do not share any contact details.
Hindi Beginner-Intermediate
Hindi5555 Beginner-Expert
Software developer (Jan, 2023–Present) at RGPV BHOPAL
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Secondary (Jan, 2023–now) from RGPV BHOPAL–scored 11
Higher Secondary (Jan, 2023–now) from My institute 123