How it works - Teachers

In order to contact students and teaching opportunities, you first have to complete your teaching profile.

Once you complete your teaching profile, you can contact students for potential teaching opportunities. Students can also contact you directly.

How much does it cost me if a student contacts me?

Nothing. If a student contacts you directly, it's free for you.

How much does it cost me if I contact students?

You will find that many students are free to contact. For others, you will need coins.

Coins required to contact a lead vary from 0 (Free) to 100s of coins.

Why do I have to pay to contact students?

We tried to keep it free. But students were flooded with hundreds of messages and felt spammed. A small price to contact a student limits the number of applications for any job posting. Even now, if a student doesn't get sufficient inquiries, we make it free to contact them until they have got sufficient inquiries.

Who decides the coins required to contact a student?

You do. Coins required to contact a lead varies with the competition among teachers. Low competition for a lead results in a free lead. High competition leads to increase in price.

Response to a lead also determines the starting price of similar future leads. 

What happens after I contact a student?

You and the student decide the terms, the work to be done, remuneration and the payment method. We are not involved in that.

What if I contact but the student doesn't respond?

There can be many reasons for this: 

  1. The student may have already found another teacher.
  2. The student didn't find your initial message worth replying to.
  3. The student is just not checking the messages for any number of reasons.

If the student doesn't even check your message within 15 days, we give a full refund for the coins used to send that message. If the student sees your message after 15 days, it's free for you.

If a student sees your message but doesn't reply, then no refund is given. We also give a refund in case the job posted is a scam/spam/mistake. 

What if I can't pay for coins?

It’s still our privilege to serve you because teachers are the most important part of the society. I believe you don’t want to pay because you haven’t found any value with us. It’s upon us to give you the value first.

Therefore, you can:

  1. Wait for student to contact you (free for you).

  2. Apply to jobs which are available for free. A job becomes free to apply after 48 hours if low competition.

  3. See other options of how to get coins besides paying for them.

When do these coins expire?

Coins don't expire, ever.

How do I get paid?

Teachers deal directly with students or hiring organization. So you decide the amount and payment mode with your students/clients. Please read stay safe to secure yourself from bad clients.

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