Premium membership benefits (for tutors)

Please use Premium membership calculator to calculate required coins and buy premium membership.

What are the benefits of premium membership?

Since you can be a premium member for as less as 1 coin, not all premium members are treated equal. Premium members with more coins get more benefits than premium members with lesser coins.

  • Early access to jobs: Premium members get a lead of upto 2 hours to apply to a post. Premium members with the highest coins get lead of 2 hours. The lead time decreases according to the coins used for premium membership.
  • Top Placement in the search results: This leads to more exposure and hence more student inquiries. About 50% of the jobs go directly to teachers without ever being public. If you are a premium member, and on top of the list, it increases your chances of getting those jobs directly. 
  • Access to student inquiries to others: Whenever a student sends a direct message to teachers, the job is made public if contacted tutor doesn't respond. Waiting time is 12 hours for free members and 48 hours for premium members.

How much does it cost?

Premium membership is paid for using TeacherOn Coins on monthly basis.

  1. You can take premium membership from as low as just 1 coin per month.
  2. Even if you pay just 1 coin per month, you will rank above free members.
  3. More you pay, higher you will rank among other premium members.
  4. You can check your rank and the coins required to come at the top using Premium membership calculator.

What is rank?

Rank is your position in the list when someone searches for the subject you teach. Higher the rank, higher you are in the list - which increases your chance of being contacted by the students.

Is it mandatory?


Is premium membership renewed monthly?

Yes. Coins you chose to use for premium membership are automatically deducted from your TeacherOn wallet on 1st of every month.


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