Coins - Teacheron Currency

Since we have teachers and students from over 100 countries, it's confusing to talk in individual currencies when talking to everybody. Therefore, we use a common currency "TeacherOn coins" or just "coins" for all kinds of transactions. You can get 50 coins for 1USD. You can view available discounts and price for your local currency on Buy coins page when logged in.

How do teachers use coins?

Teachers use coins to:

  1. Contact students i.e. apply to jobs
  2. Get Premium membership
  3. Show contact details to students directly

Please see details at How it works for teachers.

How do students use coins?

Students use coins to contact teachers. Please see details on How it works for students.

How can I get coins? 

After how long do the coins expire?

We feel it's unethical to force you to spend coins on jobs you don't want. This leads to a bad experience for you and the students you contact. Therefore, the coins never expire. We believe this will allow you to use coins at the pace you are comfortable with to contact only the relevant students.

Do we have any special discounts and offers for buying coins?

We don't do gimmicks or flash sales. That's because we believe you should buy coins only if you have faith in the value you get, not because of some fake urgency. However, you can get up to 50% discount depending on how many coins you buy. 

Can I convert coins into cash?


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